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How To Manage Emotions: The Psychological Key to Playing Better Golf

Playing golf triggers LOTS of emotions.

Some are positive:


  • Excitement – Looking forward to new challenges

  • Satisfaction – The reward for overcoming challenges

  • Love – Fascination with playing the game


Some are negative:

  •  Anxiety – Uncertainty about new challenges

  • Frustration – Not meeting expectations

  • Fear – Dread for what playing the game may bring


These are just a few of the Emotions that can turn your round of golf into a roller coaster that takes you from “best” shots to “worst” shots in the blink of an eye AND can make you feel like you have no control of the “ride.” 


If you want to minimize the negative effects of the roller coaster… you need to learn how to MANAGE YOUR EMOTIONS on the course.


It is also important to note… Managing Emotions is much different that trying to block or ignore emotions.


Attempting to block emotions is like attempting to block thoughts of water on the golf course.


The more you tell yourself NOT to hit your shot in the water… the clearer the picture of water you create in your mind AND the better the chance your shot will end up in the water.


The same is true for blocking emotions.


The more you tell yourself NOT to think of the negative emotions that you are experiencing… the more fuel you are giving those negative emotions.


Effectively MANAGING YOUR EMOTIONS depends on Two Keys:


  • Your ability to RECOGNIZE the “Observer Mindset”

  • The STRENGTH of your “Observer Mindset”



What is the “Observer Mindset” and how does it help you Manage Your Emotions on the course?

We all experience challenges on the course:

  • Bad Shots

  • Bad Breaks

  • Pressure Situations

Think of these challenges as emotional “Triggers.”

They are events/circumstances that “Trigger” you to “Respond.”


If you have not spent time effectively training your “Responses” to “Triggers,” the responses will feel automatic… as if you have no control over them.


You are Triggered and the Response just happens.


You have no control of your reaction to circumstances.


Having an “out of control” Trigger/Response cycle is how EMOTIONS can “ABUSE” you on the golf course.


Events that “happen” to you “trigger” negative reactions that interfere with your ability to play well AND you have no control of those reactions. 

 The “Observer Mindset” helps you SEPARATE the “Trigger” and your “Response” so you can OBSERVE the situation and consciously CHOOSE your “Response.”


This is not a new concept.


Meditation/Mindfulness techniques have been exploring methods to separate trigger from response for thousands of years.


Psychologists have been studying “trigger vs response” relative to emotions for decades.


Golfers have intuitively understood and implemented the concepts also.


Check out the quote from Sam Snead in the Image below:



Having the time/ability/Observer Perspective to CHOOSE YOUR RESPONSE is what allows you to “USE YOUR EMOTIONS” on the course.


Here are a few examples how emotions can help you on the course:


  • Sharpen Focus

  • Increase Energy

  • Maximize Motivation


How does the “Observer Mindset” work?


Here is a brief video to explain: 


Step # 1

How to Recognize The “Observer Mindset”

The path to creating your “Observer Mindset” starts with learning the difference between being “PRESENT” and being “distracted.”


PRESENCE is when you are fully Engaged in your SENSES in the MOMENT.


Distracted is when you allow a Thought or an Emotion to take your awareness out of the present moment and into the future or past.


By the way… one of the keys to accessing the Peak Performance benefits of the ZONE is FULL ENGAGEMENT in your senses.


When you THINK… you are focusing on something that has happened in the past or that may happen in the future.


You cannot THINK and BE PRESENT in the moment at the same time.


The same is true for Emotions.


Emotions are a reaction to a stimulus that already happened to you or that you feel may happen to you.


Thoughts and Emotions are triggered from and located in the future or the past.


Which means that Thoughts and Emotions are Distractions from being PRESENT in the moment.


Picture PRESENCE and Distractions as opposing Dials.


When the PRESENCE Dial is turned up it automatically turns down the Distraction Dial… and vice versa.


Learning to Recognize whether you are PRESENT in the Moment or whether you are Distracted by thoughts or emotions is the foundation for creating your “Observer Mindset.”


The Key on the course is being able to recognize when you are “Triggered” by a Distraction and being able to access a moment of PRESENCE so you can OBSERVE that you are being “Triggered.”


This step between Trigger and Response is what gives you the potential to REWIRE YOUR RESPONSE to emotional TRIGGERS.


“Rewiring Your Response” to Emotional triggers is what allows you to “Use Your Emotions” as opposed to getting Abused by them.


"Recognize" Exercise:

Cloud Emotion

Next time you play golf try the Cloud Emotion exercise to help you start Recognizing your “Observer Mindset.”


Think of Distractions/Emotions on the course like clouds of varying sizes and intensity.


When you Recognize a Distraction/Emotion “moving into your blue sky” do your best to “Observe” the Cloud and watch it move away WITHOUT you getting attached to it.


It helps to start this exercise with small, light clouds (minimal emotions).


In the beginning, achieving success separating from Distractions is much more important than trying to “Observe” big, challenging emotions.


Take your time and focus on making incremental, successful changes to your “Observer Mindset”/PRESENCE.


Step #2

How to Strengthen Your Observer Mindset”


Once you can Recognize PRESENCE on Command and feel you can access the “Observer Mindset” in small Distraction situations… it is time to take your “Observer Mindset” to the gym and start strengthening it.



Effective Strengthening has three ingredients:


1.   Repetition

2.   Variety

3.   Intent


Repetition - Creating any new behavioral pattern requires Repetition.


There are lots of formulas for the amount and time of Repetitions needed to effectively create a new pattern/behavior.


Here are my two keys for Repetition derived from years of testing with athletes:


1.    Daily Reps – Every Day is CRITICAL (even if it is just a few reps)

2.   21 Days Minimum – Less time will often revert to old habits



Variety – Variety creates Context which strengthens Recognition


When you practice “Observer Mindset” in multiple situations you will get a broader perspective of your dominant personal “Trigger” and “Response” patterns.


The broader perspective helps you:


1.   Strengthen your “Coach” – More info means better self-coaching

2.  Strengthen your “Intent” – Big changes require strong Intent



Intent – “Observer Mindset” needs to be a “Purpose” not a plaything


Rewiring your Response to Emotions is a BIG Challenge.


If you are not fully committed to Recognizing and Strengthening your “Observer Mindset” you will not be able to effectively apply the principle to your play on the course.


If the “Observer Mindset” is your full time PRESENCE/Emotion Management coach, “INTENT” is the fuel that keeps the coach up and running 24/7.


The Bottom Line:


Managing Your Emotions on the course is about learning to control the “volume dials” of PRESENCE and Distraction.


When you can “turn up” the PRESENCE” dial and “turn down” the Distraction dial… you can recognize and strengthen an “Observer Mindset” that will allow you to Use Your Emotions on the Course as opposed to Getting Abused by them.


If you would like to discuss how this process works in more detail, please feel free to touch base with me a set up a complimentary 30-minute consultation:


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