Geoff GreigSep 16, 2021Successful ChangeHave you ever struggled to change your swing path? In a lesson yesterday... I had a golfer whose swing path was moving 30 degrees left of...
Geoff GreigSep 13, 2021Off Season ImprovementWhat are your thoughts on improving your golf game during the off-season? I always ask new clients what their thoughts are. Most of my...
Geoff GreigAug 30, 2021The 80% GuidelineThe 80% Guideline. Ever wonder why it takes you so long to change old swing habits. Truth is there are a lot of reasons. The main reason...
Geoff GreigJul 23, 2021Test vs TrustAre you maximizing the effectiveness of your practice time? Watch this video to learn a key concept that will help you get the most out...
Geoff GreigJan 6, 2021Work Smarter Not HarderWhether you love training or you find it a necessary evil on the path to your goals... it is important to make sure you are getting the...
Geoff GreigJan 6, 2021Change Can Be ChallengingIf you want to improve... you have to change. Making changes quickly and effectively can be tough. Having those changes hold up under...